Event Registration
* indicates mandatory field.

Personal Information

Salutation :*

First Name :*

Middle Name :

Last Name :*

Email ID : *

Mobile No. :*

Residential Address

Address : *

State : *

City : *

Pin Code : *

Organisation Name : *

If your organization name is not found in above list , kindly select option as other and mention the name of your organization.

Designation : *

Registration Category :*

Please note for all registrations of ISCR Corporate members, the applicable registration category will be ISCR member and member fees will be applicable for all members. You can find ISCR Corporate members list here - Click Here
Payment Details
Basic Amount
Gst 18%
Net Payable Amount

Other Information :

Group Registration: For group registration (More than 5 registrations), kindly update data and attached excel and email it to info@iscr.org
Click Here To Download Excel File

Indian Society for Clinical Research

514- Ajmera Sikova, 23,
Nityanand Nagar, Ghatkopar West,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400086